I will mend your broken heart
Break ups are tough. Relationships that end can be traumatic, loss, loneliness.. Seems everyone thinks you should just move on. Sometimes it takes longer then you thought it would, and that's OK! My name is Amber, and I want to be your break up and recovery coach.
My Goals/AdviceTo help you with break up and recovery, sexless and lack luster marriage issues. Relationship and life coach, best friend you can tell ANYTHING to. Safe place, judgment free.
My EducationCollege Degree in Social Studies, Crisis Management Counsellor Diploma.
My ExperienceYears of volunteer work, social work and counselling. Motivational speaker and writer.

Amber is an understanding, caring woman with excellent insights and suggestions for coping with my issue. Highly recommended!
Amazing Amber replied:Hi hi xo I am so delighted to be here for you ! So happy I've helped xo

Questions? Self Doubt? Confused about your sexuality and what you think about late at night? CALL ME!!!