No nonsense advice from Sarah
Hi, I'm Sarah. Are you looking for some advice or guidance and you're not sure where else to turn? Do you have something weighing on your mind that you just can't share with your partner, your friends or your family? Maybe you have secrets you'd love to share with someone, but the people in your life just might not understand. I'm in my late 40's, and very direct, honest and down to earth. I offer sensible, common sense advice. I will be that friendly ear for you. I do hope to talk to you and get to know you.

My Goals/AdviceMy hope for others is to be the best that they can be. Even though many know this saying from the twelve step program, it is sound advice no matter what your problem is. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Many times it takes an outsider to give you the perspective you need to be able to get a handle on your problems, the old you cannot see the forest for the trees analogy. It's true. We often get so caught up in the problems, we simply cannot step back far enough to find a realistic solution.
My EducationI guess many of us can say we are graduates of the school of hard knocks, some harder than others. I have as I said talked to people since 2008 about their problems and issues, and I wouldn't still be offering my help if ones did not seek it out from me.
My ExperienceSince 2008 I've been offering advice to people from all over the world online and on the phone. Hundreds of thousands have confided in me and shared their secrets and problems with me. I like to think I've given sound and sensible advice when asked for it.